Good boy, zero for conduct...
Good boy, zero for conduct...
Good boy, zero for conduct...
Good boy, zero for conduct...
Good boy, zero for conduct...
Good boy, zero for conduct...
Good boy, zero for conduct...

@темы: video, WRH

Good boy, zero for conduct...
Good boy, zero for conduct...

@темы: video, InfoWars, WW III

Good boy, zero for conduct...
Good boy, zero for conduct...
Good boy, zero for conduct...
Good boy, zero for conduct...
Good boy, zero for conduct...
Good boy, zero for conduct...
Good boy, zero for conduct...
Good boy, zero for conduct...
Good boy, zero for conduct...
With “friends” like European Council President Donald Tusk and top NATO commander Gen. Philip Breedlove, the EU certainly doesn’t need enemies.
The EU should sign the US corporate-devised racket known as Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), or NATO on trade. And then the “West” will rule forever.
NATO may indeed incarnate the ultimate geopolitical/existential paradox; an alliance that exists to manage the chaos it breeds.
And still, revolving around NATO, there are many more diversionist tactics than meet the eye. Take the latest uttering by notorious Russophobe Dr. Zbigniew “Grand Chessboard” Brzezinski. In a conference at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Dr. Zbig advanced that the US and Russia should have an understanding that if Ukraine becomes a member of the EU, it won’t become a member of NATO.
Well, dear Doctor, we got a problem. The EU has zero interest in incorporating a failed state on (immensely expensive) life support by the IMF, and technically mired in a civil war.
On the other hand the US has undivided interest in a Ukraine as NATO member; that’s the whole rationale of the relentless post-Maidan demonization of Russia.
Call it the Dr. Zbig maneuver; neo-con wishful thinking; what certain key Empire of Chaos/Masters of the Universe factions would die for; or all of the above; the ultimate target is regime change and dismemberment of Russia. Russian intelligence knows all about the inside story.

@темы: link, Russia, Europe, US, WW III

Good boy, zero for conduct...
Good boy, zero for conduct...