In times past, especially since the previous “Cold-War”, DC’s full-spectrum control of the geopolitical arena has been almost absolute. Since they and London had owned “all the gold”(on paper, at least), and had the lending institutions(the IMF, World Bank) to pile debt atop it, as well as the largest, deep-state apparatus, and military-industrial industries to depend on, they’ve basically used a very short list of “strategies” to bring other peoples and nations “to heel”.
That’s all changing, and changing quickly, as the Eastern Alliance has been fast-tracking several financial and lending competitors to DC’s money mafia. Things like the BRICS Bank, which now carries over $100 billion in assets to help shield its members from financial/currency crisis(which they’ll likely have to use soon), have made enormous headway. Now though, you can add to the list of worries for the ruling order, the fledgling Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB).
The AIIB is the newest kid on the block, having only been established in October of 2013. Yet remarkably, within the first year, it has basically sewn up most of the far East in its roster already. By the end of 2014, over 2 dozen Asian nations had signed onto its establishment, including:
India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Thailand, etc! We’re talking some big names here!